ชื่อบริษัท | UEL (Thailand) Co., Ltd. | URL เว็บไซต์ของ บริษัท | https://www.uelthai.co.th/ |
ที่อยู่ |
Wattana กรุงเทพมหานคร ไทย
[ดูแผนที่] |
ผู้รับผิดชอบ | Mr. Murakami |
หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ | 02-661-7731 | หมายเลขโทรสาร | 02-661-7736 |
เงินต้นทุน | 12,000,000 ฿ | จำนวนพนักงาน | 15คน |
ยอดขายสูงสุดในหนึ่งปี | ยังไม่ลงทะเบียน | หมายเลขสมาชิกเอมิดัส | 92684 |
สินค้าหลัก3อย่าง |
We carry out in-house development CAD / CAM system "CADmeister", polygon editor "POLYGONALmeister", and Material management system "Green Choutatsu Meister" Engineering solution provider.
Technology and traditions that continuous history to the world
Our engineering solutions have a half-century history that has been forged by the Japan manufacturing industry, and the technology and tradition have been cultivated among them. Our role is to expand our global business by continuing to develop it and to ensure that we continue to provide it to everyone.
Evolution to a platform that brings new value to manufacturing
In order to further support the manufacturing site deeper, we hope to evolve the solution into a platform, in other words, a form that connects people. Our customers, our partners, and many other people who are involved in the creation of the community are able to co-create and create new value. In order to achieve this, we will capture the latest technology and social changes and continue to have a flexible and responsive attitude.
Enabling concepts to take shape and out-of-the-box creation
Our important solution, "CADmeister", is active in the field of mold making, which is the foundation of the manufacturing industry. The design created by the designer is a physical form through the mold. The result is sometimes beyond the original imagination to bring further inspiration to the next creation. We feel the splendor of the mold that realizes it, the respect for all the people involved in the making of the molds, and the joy that can be involved in it.
We continue to challenge the world's most advanced engineering information processing technology, and we are going to accumulate efforts in the future. We would like to thank you for your continued support and patronage.